Filling our Cups

LGBTQ Spirituality Asian Non-Binary Therapist Psychologist Elsa Lau

Image of a crescent moon and cherry blossom tree

Spring embodies the art of arrival, and the pleasure of t a k i n g s p a c e. Dwelling in worlds and possibilities worth fighting for.

The past year has been a spiritual reckoning for many grappling with the heartaches of covid, the climate crisis, and ongoing racial injustice. Facing the roadblocks encountered on the journey of self-knowing, unlearning, and community care/organizing is a worthy challenge. However, when my spirit gets heavy with the immensity of human suffering, mind unsettled, actions distracted, I know that sometimes it isn’t a failure of will. It’s a gentle reminder, to refill my spiritual cup.

Simple moments, like a walk, allowing ourselves to be taken by the starry night sky, beholding unknown forces at play. This night, we soaked in the luminous glow of the crescent moon, washing over our hearts.

The blooms of May are emblems of arriving and taking space. Even the cherry blossoms are playfully throwing their pink silky-soft petals to the wind, tickling our eyelashes and beautifully sweeping across the streets!

What might taking space look like for you this spring?


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